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Our church is glad to have you visiting our website, and would be pleased to have you visit our church in 2025.

54 Years of Ministry in Central Point
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Pastor Howard Glosser

Interim Pastor

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Our church is glad to have you visiting our website, and would be pleased to have you visit our church in 2025.


We have been ministering to individuals and families in the Southern Oregon area for over 54 years and seek to reach each person in our Church by providing solid Biblical teaching that makes clear what it means to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, and then to grow in His grace and knowledge.


We have ministries for the men and women in the Church, as well as an active Youth Ministry where we strive to instill in each youth what it means to walk with the Lord in the light of His Word.


Our vision for 2025 is Planting God's Word In Our Hearts.


Know God Individually

Experience God Corporately

Glorify God Globally


To Glorify Jesus Christ in Jackson County through passionate and consistent prayer, sound Biblical teaching, and loving community engagement.


To uphold Jesus Christ by becoming Jackson County’s center for human wellness.


Deacons: Roy J. Bates, Ron Walch, Roy A. Bates, Pete Slade, Gary Pence


Church Clerk: Bobbie Cramer


Financial Secretary/Treasurer: Howard Glosser


Historian: Karen Gordon


Prayer Chain: Cathleen Winchell


Trustee Ministry: Terry Bartlett, Sarah Bartlett, Craig Gordon, Gary Pence


Christian Education Ministry: Roy A. Bates, Kathi McGowan, Melanie Glosser


Hospitality Ministry: James Hibbs, Sarah Bartlett, Amanda Sill, Kim Pence, Nicole Morley, Lana Morley, Karen Gordon, MaryAnn Druihet, Debbie Ashton, 


Missions & Military Ministry: Danielle Hvall, Ron Walch, Pete Slade, Bill Shelton


Music Ministry: Roy A. Bates, James Hibbs, Tamara Fielding


Audio/Video Ministry: James Hibbs, Gary Pence, Roy A. Bates, Josh Crawford, Sarah Bartlett


Webmaster: James Hibbs, Howard Glosser

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